It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Monday, January 28, 2013

 Greetings to all,

    I'm so very grateful to the MOST HIGH creator for allowing me to remain in the rightness of my mind and to have the strength of my limbs.
    It just so happens, that I drive a limousine for a well known limousine company in the State of Maryland and most of my jobs I get are funerals. I was driving a funeral this week and it appeared to me, that a great deal of people are leaving this planet each and every day; yet, the only people that seem to be affected by the loss are those close to them. Well, not so; this is just an appearance, because the loss of one person on this planet affects every other entity left here.  It's like cutting down a tree in the Forrest and thinking the spaces where the tree was is still taken up by the tree, but it's not. So somewhere down the road, that spaces that was occupied by the tree, has to be filled with something else.
    Will that space, that was occupied with the tree be replace with another tree; a person; a bad or good habit? Or will the space be left open so that something very worthy can be placed there or something very insignificant. What ever is placed there, think on this wise; Recently, there was approximately thirty people kill in a part of this country. Most of these people were children of a very young age (4 to 9 years of age), that occupied a space in the hearts of many other people. Spaces of which could be empty after some years have passed if not for the spirit of the MOST HIGH Creator or these words that are placed in this blog. These things will keep us in remembrance of the love and joy all lost souls possess. A soul that was lost, because of a senseless act of some kind.
    Well, I heard some young children say; that there we're still people on this planet that would pray with them; not for them, but with them. It may seem, by hearing these words, that they felt no one was praying for them so they needed someone to pray with them and they know where those people that would do that, could be found.  Think about it and check out my

Motorcycleman1_750 (a.k.a, sunofman7)

 "Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

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