It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

    Greetings to all,

      Today should be and will be the beginning of the rest of your life. You woke-up to this blog and you have the opportunity to respond to it also.
      Have you ever had a job that did not pay you for what you were worth to the company? Your bills kept going up and your income kept going down? You could not tell your supervisor you would leave the job, yet you wanted too? Well all these things happen to everyone and no one can escape the reality of not having what they need. The rich have what the poor needs (money) and the poor has what the rich needs (true, honest love), yet they both would like to have what the other has.
      We should be grateful for our health, strength and rightness of mind, so that we can continue to earn the things we need and some of the things we want. We should not try to con property from another person. We can't take anything with us when we leave this planet, because we'll leave here just like we came here, naked and if we leave what we've earned to someone else that have no idea of how hard it was to acquirer, they'll just loss it to someone who knows how hard things are to get. So either way we end-up leaving with nothing (no thing).

  Think about it,
   Motorcycle1 Man750 (A.K.A, SunofMan7)
PS, check out my other website.

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