It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

   Greetings to all,
    A person said sometime ago: If the United States is such a bad place to be, than why are there so many people coming here and so few leaving? The person that spoke that phase was Smoky (William) Robinson, of the famous Miracles song group.
   The last two weeks have been great for everyone and this is just the start of a great year to come. I believe the US is going to prosper and is moving back towards the forefront of greatness has in the pass, but this time, with the humbleness needed for a great Nation.
   People seem to be willing to stop and talk with others again and not feel threaten with how a person looks or their appeases. Men, are once again doing things to show ladies how important ladies are to the growth of a strong society, and how they're the backbone of a life style.
   I say; Look at the past, understand the present, to create a bright future for everyone.

Motorcycleman1_750 (a.k.a, SunofMan7)
 "Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

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