It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

   Greetings to all,
I've not been on my blog site in a while, but now I got a very good reason for this blog. It seems that people did realize the there is a bad spiritual vibration going around in this world we live in. Many people are killing other people; children killing children; parents killing children and children killing themselves.
   Scientist, Psychologist and everyone else that study the human character are trying to understand what took place in Connecticut. Why would or how could; a young man, who's mother taught and protected the young people she served, would kill the children and kill his mother as well.
  Well, the answer is so simple; When society allowed prayer to be taken from the children in school, the door was open for everything negative to enter and everything positive to be pushed out. All we have to do is see how this negative behavior is taking form and we should know where to start our search. Parents can't protect their children all the time, because their children are away from them sometimes for eight hours a day. So it takes the school bus operator, the crossing guards, the school monitors and the teachers to protect the young people, who can't protect themselves from any one that would do harm to them.
   Let's stop playing with the lives of our senior citizens and our young people and set the tone for a better and brighter day for all.

Think about it,
The Eyes of GOD

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