It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Greetings to all,

    Today is another day that the LORD has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. I've just come back in the house from one of my many jobs and I tell you, the world continues to move on; with or with out some of us.
   I drove in a funeral today and there was a long line of cars for this person who had passed over. The person was well like and must have touched the hearts of many others they worked with. I say this to say that in this earth, there will be those who are liked more than others, but should we determine that by what we see with our eyes alone, or should we involve our hearts in the process of determining someones greatness?

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

Friday, December 28, 2012

has the United States of America stop eating real food?

 Greetings to all,

  It's good to know that we are making it through this year in good health; Yet, let me inform you that it's not by my strength, but by the love of THE MOST HIGH. Also, this is not to say I don't have some problems, but that they are small in number. Like today, I just happen to be at the pharmacy  picking up a prescription when I notice there were a great many people there as well and this is like this every time I come to the pharmacy on a Friday. It's like people are there to pick-up there energy or health aids to make it through to a specific point in time (just like me). I must admit, since I've retired and my money is not as plentiful as it was, I've cut back on what and how much I eat, but I'm not trying to replace food with the drugs I take for other health issues.
  Now it is said, that we as a people should eat healthy; but, if we live in the wealthiest place on the planet and don't have enough money to live at means, while the rich get richer and the middle-class is trying to keep what they have (living off the elderly and young people), what do you think the people in poorer counties are going through? people in poorer counties don't have the money to get drugs to ease their pain like those in the U.S. We know there has to be a level of hierarchic to create vision, but why should it be: very poor, medium poor, poor, wealthy and extremely wealthy. 
  People, we need to open our eyes and see the coffee pot, because it's empty.

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Greetings to all,
  Christmas is over and many gifts have been return stores and other places for some reason or another, but there's still one thing that needs to be taken care of; what do they do with all the left over Christmas trees?   My thing has always been, why cut down so many trees in the first place?
  When I was a young lad, my teacher told me that trees give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide while people take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Now, if we have no trees and have all these big cement buildings what's going to happen to mankind in the future? Think about it.

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

Monday, December 24, 2012

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

   Greetings to all,
     Today is Christmas Eve and still many people are out at the malls doing their thing (the economy is not bad) hopefully must people will not overlook the red pots, nor will they over look the people standing on the corners asking for handouts; no matter what takes place, remember we ask GOD for handouts all the time and when GOD sees us standing on our corner of lacking something GOD gives it to us. Think about it! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the team and family of MotorcycleMan1 750, (A.K.A SunofMan7)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

   Greetings to all,
I've not been on my blog site in a while, but now I got a very good reason for this blog. It seems that people did realize the there is a bad spiritual vibration going around in this world we live in. Many people are killing other people; children killing children; parents killing children and children killing themselves.
   Scientist, Psychologist and everyone else that study the human character are trying to understand what took place in Connecticut. Why would or how could; a young man, who's mother taught and protected the young people she served, would kill the children and kill his mother as well.
  Well, the answer is so simple; When society allowed prayer to be taken from the children in school, the door was open for everything negative to enter and everything positive to be pushed out. All we have to do is see how this negative behavior is taking form and we should know where to start our search. Parents can't protect their children all the time, because their children are away from them sometimes for eight hours a day. So it takes the school bus operator, the crossing guards, the school monitors and the teachers to protect the young people, who can't protect themselves from any one that would do harm to them.
   Let's stop playing with the lives of our senior citizens and our young people and set the tone for a better and brighter day for all.

Think about it,
The Eyes of GOD