It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This has been One great day in my life.

    I'm so grateful to the Most High; I woke up this morning not knowing what I would do when it was time for me to go back to work next week. Yet, the most high gave me the strength to work on my motorcycle. You see, my car is in the repair shop, it's been there for the past three weeks at the cost of a large amount of money, and they can't seem to find out what the problem is (mechanics). The car will start, run and go about fifty to sixty feet and stop, cut off, no more forward motion, so I began to work on my motorcycle. I tuned it up, change the oil, and check the timing, just to find out that all things where running well and it just needed an oil change. So hopefully, when Tuesday gets here I'll be able to get to work which is thirty miles from my house on the beltway, and not be late for work.
   I'm also grateful, because after getting out of bed (at 5:30 am), I turned my computer on to check my email and there in my mail was a email from one great person I know, who shares wisdom with others. They directed my attention to this website so that I would be able to increase my communicating skills and stay connected with people I go to school with. I believe I can keep pace with a group of social net workers and add some important insight to some discussions. This being my first blog on this site, I'm also hoping that others who blog, will check my blog out and give me some great feedback on things I need to do.
   So until that time, this is Motorcycle Man750 waiting to hear from the great blogs of the web. "Everything In Life is Connected together Creating a Full Circle."

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