It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Friday, January 28, 2011

It started many years ago, but I didn't know I would be driving a School Bus.

     I was just a young boy at the time, about 10 or 11 years of age when my friend, while I was riding my Radio Flyer, pushed me into the side of a moving DC Transit Bus. I'm not going to say my friends name, although I was not hurt badly I did have some bruises on my left side and a profound love for driving. Now many years later, I'm driving a school bus and loving every second of the position.
     I found out as I drive the school bus everyday, that not everyone has the stamina to deal with the students on a school bus. Some students will constantly move around while the bus is moving which is a no, no. Some students will: fight while on the school bus, cures at the bus operator, exit the bus improperly (going out the windows), and some will even bring objects on the bus that they should not bring on a school bus. Still others, like the students on my bus, will act very responsible and be the greatest students in the world. If you operate a school bus and have students like that on your bus, let them know you care about them and that because of them, you have the desire to come to work on time everyday. It's your desire to make sure they get to school safely, and that with out them not only would you not have a job, but your job would be very hard to do.
   Many years ago, I had no idea that I would be driving a school bus, nor that I would love the position the way I do. Every job that I've had deals with the public, and it's because of that, I feel God has allowed me to speak the words of life to those I come in contact with. It's because of this connection I have with God, I am obligated to the people I come into contact with to try and lift their hearts to the awareness of Gods love for them, and to help them see beyond the now. The students I have on my school bus are like this! they look past the now and into the future. They look into the future, not because they're on my bus, but because when they get on or off my school bus, I let them know they are the future. I let them see that without them, the future may not get here.
    Just like my life changed for the better many years ago because of an encounter with a bus, the lives of many young people of today can be changed for the better because of an encounter with positive words from a school bus operator or anyone for that matter. So, if your position or job brings you into contact with people (especially young people) let them know that you're counting on them to help move mankind into the future with a bright and positive outlook on life.
    Motorcycle Man750 PS: a little girl gave me this nickname many years ago.

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

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