It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Friday, June 21, 2013

  Greetings to all,
    I've not been on my blog to post anything in a while, but today is different; there's been a lot going on in my life and I know I'm not the only one seeing the signs.
    It seems as though people have no concern for the others that live on this planet with them and there are those that drive like where they're going is not going to be there in the next few minutes. I say, if the place you're trying to get to is moving, wait until it's settled in it's new place then go there. Driving down the roadways in some parts of the Metro area you need a PHD (Please Help Drive) to make it from point A to point B and not end up at point H (Hospital).
   My friends say I'm to tight on driving since I ride a motorcycle, teach Drivers Ed and CDL bus operation and feel the need for people to stay safe on the roads of the USA; but that's me. I believe that people will save more time and lives if they slow down and make time good not good time.
  What do you think, let me know how you feel about the drives of today verses the drivers of yesterday.
   Also, visit my other website:
Sunofman7 (A.K.A. motorycyleman750)

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

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