It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do the years go by faster than usual?

    Greetings to All,
       Is there a difference in the time winter last now as apposed to Fifty (50) years ago? Now day people are so busy checking emails, phone call, text massages; as well as making or watching videos on their cell phones, they have very little time to look up and notice what's going on; even when it concerns the days of the week or the calender.
      I was walking over to the mall the other day to see if I could sell a tool set to the pawnshop; I'm moving and I don't went to take a lot of things with me when I moved or put them in storage. As I was walking, I saw so many people moving around with their heads down fixed on their cell phones or ipads, not even looking to see if a car was coming their way or going to hit them. People appear to still be walking around like they had parts in the living dead movie. I even tried to speak to some and they would look at me as if to say: who are you? where did you come from? are you talking to me? Or they would said "I don't know you, so why are you talking to me". I tell you, maybe I'm the one that needs the help.
     On  face book, twitter and other social network Media, people can be anyone or anything they desire, but is that the real them? Shouldn't a person try to be as close to the real them as possible even while on a social page? so that the true them can become a part of their life style or character? In doing this, they have little chance of running into people that may not be truthful.
   Communicating on a social page is just like applying for or getting a job; if you go in with a positive attitude or a good outlook concerning the job you're going to be doing, than you would like your employer to be honest and straight froward with you as well. So, maybe we need to stop looking down so much at the technology we hold in our hands, and start looking up at the faces we walk by each and every day; Think about it.

MotorcycleMan1 750, (a.k.a, Sunofman7)
Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"

Friday, February 8, 2013

When the lights go out, they go OUT!

 Greeting to all,
   I wrote recently how one must live life to the fullest and I found out today that when you do, sometimes the lights go out  so you can't see your way.
  The day before yesterday (2/7/13), I got a job to take someone to the airport, so I got up at 4:30am, got myself together, pickup the limo; then pickup the person and took them to the airport. Everything was going fine so, I got home and decided I would wash my cloths and that's when everything started going downhill.
  It was at this point the lights in my building went out, but the washer also stopped operating; so I drove around the neighborhood trying to find a Laundromat to wash and dry my cloth, but there was none. I went back to my apartment and decided to wait until the power came back on. After about 20 minutes the power did come back on, so now I went to dry my cloth. After my cloth dried, I took them to my apartment to fold them up and found out that all my cloths were not there, now what would someone want with the cloth of a poor person as myself. Now I don't know if I should call the police and tell them someone stole some of my cloth from the dryer in the laundry-room and I don't know why or should I just wait until I see the doll with the pins in it? Think about it.
PS, join the blog and give me some feedback.

 MotorcycleMan 750 (a.k.a, sunofman7)
"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"