It Started In The Beginning Of Time.

"Everything in Life is Connected Together Creating a Full Circle"(c)copyright.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Starting on the next fifty years of Life>

Greeting to all,

   I'm once again back to blogging some parts of my life here on planet earth. I was out of commission for awhile, I had to prepare my retirement pans, which was no plan at all, so it workout very well. Now instead of having five jobs I only have four jobs, with more cost to live.
   It's very strange to retire, because at the start everything looks great; you're going to get money from social security, your pension will help supplement that, and you can work a part time job so you can have some extra income; not so. Social Security will only let you make a certain amount if you retire before the full retirement age, but your bills and everything else will continue to increase, which is not good at all.
  So, at this point I've reach the peck of my living and have start to level out. I started a non-profit corporation, I still teach drivers education (all vehicle's) and I'm thinking about becoming a world traveler (Hobo) so I can see the world. Yet, until these things take place I'm going to just try and wait out the next year, so I can make all the money I can to pay for what I need to do, because no one is going to give me anything for free.

"Everything In Life is Connected Together, Creating a Full Circle"